Craig Calcott Craig Calcott

Acute Knee Injuries

It all begins with an idea.

Knee injuries are a common problem that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, or activity level. The injury can range from minor sprains and meniscal tears to more severe ligament tears or even fractures.


The knee is a complex structure that consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles that all work together to provide stability and mobility to the lower body. Any injuries to these structures can result in swelling, pain, stiffness, catching, locking, and decreased range of motion.  


Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, this includes knee injuries. They can help people recover from knee injuries and improve their knee function through various treatment techniques. Physiotherapy treatment for knee injuries can include exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, and manual therapy techniques to improve the range of motion and reduce pain and swelling.


Physiotherapists may recommend the use of knee braces or other supportive devices like crutches to help protect the knee joint during physical activity. In addition to treatment, physiotherapists can also provide education on injury prevention and how to properly care for the knee joint. This may include advice on proper footwear, warm-up and cool-down exercises, and modifications to physical activity to prevent further injury.


Overall, physiotherapy is a valuable resource for anyone experiencing knee pain. With the right treatment and guidance from a physiotherapist, people can recover from knee injuries and return to their normal activities with improved knee function and decreased risk of future injury.

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Low back pain is a common condition that affects the lower portion of the spine. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as poor posture, muscle strains, disc injuries, or degenerative changes in the spine. The pain can be dull, achy, or sharp, and it may be accompanied by stiffness, limited mobility, or tingling and numbness below the knee and ankle.


Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, including low back pain. We can use a range of techniques to help patients manage their pain, restore function, and prevent future episodes of low back pain.


One of the main approaches used by physiotherapists for low back pain is exercise therapy. We can prescribe specific exercises that target the affected muscles, improve flexibility and mobility, and strengthen the core muscles that support the spine. This can help alleviate pain and improve posture, which can reduce the risk of future episodes of low back pain.


In addition to exercise therapy, physiotherapists may also use manual therapy techniques such as massage, joint mobilization, and manipulation to relieve pain and improve joint mobility.